Six Ways to Keep Your Carpets From Getting Dirty

#1  Use Welcome mats to catch dirt before it enters your home.According to Zudonyi,(the editor of Facility Cleaning Decisions) 98 percent of debris and soil will be removed after 39 feet of walk-off mats. Obviously 39 feet of walk off mats is impractical for homeowners but having a welcome mat is literally a good first step.


#2 Try to remove Shoes before entering home

Think of all the places your shoes have been, public restrooms, tarred parking lots, dog parks. Give your carpet a break don’t make it absorb everything you have on the bottom of your shoes. Also shoes can increase friction that scratches your carpets fibers making them look dirtier than they are.


#3 Remove spots quickly

The longer the stain material remains in the carpet, the higher the chance of permanent color change, even if all the original stain material is removed. At times pets urinate on the carpet and this results in a bad odor especially when it is hot and humid. Immediately blotting (not rubbing) the stain material as soon as possible will help reduce the chances of permanent color change. Artificial food coloring stains are generally considered permanent stains.

#4 Use Floor Mats in High traffic areas especially in front of couch.


#5 Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming removes soil and dirt that can damage the carpet fiber and therefore reduce the useful life of the carpet. Maximizing the life of carpet also maximizes its sustainability. Consistently vacuuming and fulfilling the intended life of your carpet means not having to replace it and is the best way to keep the carpet “green.”

Vacuuming frequency is another vital aspect to remember in terms of carpet care as certain areas of carpet should be vacuumed more frequently than others. CRI recommends vacuuming daily in high-traffic or pet areas, twice weekly in medium-traffic areas, and weekly in light-traffic areas

Vacuuming is the most important of all prevention methods. It removes about 78% of the soil that lies in your carpets.

Step Six? Call us for a Profesional carpet cleaning. We can remove the remaining soil that your vacuum isn’t catching. Call us at 775-883-8809






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